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Quality Health Care Project- KAZAKHSTAN MCH training Closeout Video, 2015 (Russian only)
USAID Quality Health Care Project- KAZAKHSTAN HIV Closeout Video 2015 (Russian w/ English subtitles)
USAID Quality Health Care Project Kyrgyzstan Launch Video in Russian
Maternal and infant mortality rates decreased in region
Health insurance in Kazakhstan. INTERTEACH medical insurance.
Kazakhstan surpasses Russia, Ukraine, Belarus in terms of healthcare quality. Qazaq TV News
Центр обучения: повышение качества медицинской помощи в Кыргызстане
USAID Support for Health System Strengthening in Kyrgyzstan
Aligning the Stars for Quality RMNCH Care! What Does it Take?
Vice minister of investments and development Kazakhstan ready to cooperate with international corpor
Maternal Health in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.m4v
«Мина добра» и «бикфордов мир»